How much Estate Planning can be Done Online

The internet is the perfect tool for estate planning. You can access a wealth of information about your finances, your family, and what you want to happen after you’re gone. It’s also easy to share documents with others and make sure they are in agreement on what needs to be done. Online Estate Planning can be defined as a way to manage your financial affairs in the digital world. It is not only about setting up an online account with your bank, but also about making sure that all of your transactions are being tracked properly and securely. Hirsh Mohindra says there are many ways to accomplish this goal, depending on how comfortable you are working in the digital space. This article will focus on two different methods: creating an Online Will and setting up an Online Trust Account. How do I get started? You can start by creating a will or trust online. The process is very straightforward and simple once you have an idea of what it involves. We recommend using our Onlin...