Managing Building In The Real Estate Business

Real estate business is very vast. It is very important to have knowledge about different type of investments in real estate business. Hirsh Mohindra from Chicago who has more than 10 years in real estate, shares his views in this article. The modern concept of managing a building as investment property is relatively new, originating legally and institutionally in the U.S. In the U.S., the residential property market is practically nonexistent, and the world standard is the maintenance of the building until it is technically and completely depreciated. Hirsh Mohindra says, In our country, building maintenance investment is minimal. The consideration of the band of bounded value reached by properties between two complete physical interventions neglects both maintenance and energy efficiency. The fear of the costs of restructuring and the uncertainty of the possible requalification use have functioned as a brake to the people who are the owners of the property, ...