Real Estate Situation During Corona Pandemic

The real estate business is on the downward trend due to Covid-19, as people are not coming forward personally to see the built houses owing to the social distancing orders of the administration says Hirsh Mohindra . As a result of this, people will tend to go outside the city where the area of the houses is more significant comparatively, and proper social distancing is maintained there. In April this year, home sales went down by thirteen to twenty percent, which is a considerable number, but the property prices increased by four percentage, which was better than expected during April. The only challenge for the property dealers is that they could not show the houses personally due to the social distancing norm, which was revealed by Corcoran to Fox. The property prices are expected to remain stable for the potential buyers as big institutional investors are missing as compared to the 2008 financial crisis when they ruled the market. However, real estate busi...